Youth Programs
Friends of Baxter State Park inspires and cultivates the next generation of Maine's environmental leaders.
A forever wild mission means constantly taking the long view. Our youth programs are a testament to our long view and commitment to Baxter State Park's future. The Maine Youth Wilderness Leadership Program inspires and cultivates the next generation of Maine's wilderness leaders – think societal leadership along the lines of Rachel Carson, Aldo Leopold, and Margaret Murie. We're also entirely committed to the health and vitality of the Katahdin Region and the Park's boots-on-the-ground needs. For years we have provided trail support to the Park, and served the local economy with a youth trail crew drawn from the communities of the Katahdin region, the Baxter Youth Conservation Corps. Our youth programs are a great example of our work and our dedication to the things that matter.
Baxter Youth Conservation Corps
The Baxter Youth Conservation Corps is a job training and service-learning opportunity for Juniors, Seniors, and recent graduates from the Katahdin region. Participants work full-time doing trail work and other needed functions in Baxter State Park. An incredible experience awaits you!
Maine Youth Wilderness Leadership Program
Maine high school Sophomores and Juniors experience a nine-day wilderness trip in Baxter State Park. Backpack from one end of the Park to the other, learning from environmental specialists and Park staff to understand the wilderness through science, art, storytelling, photography, writing, history, and recreation.
BYCC Testimonials
Michael Clark
2018 - 2023
“This is a dream job for anyone who loves to work outside and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors.”
Elliot Shearer
2019 - 2021
“This is the best job in the Katahdin Region that they can offer.”
Payton Spearin
2018 - 2022
“I loved every minute working in the park with fellow trailcrew members.”
A Magnificent Obsession
Emma McGraw, BYCC Conservation Fellow shares her experiences in the Baxter Youth Conservation Corps Fellowship. A four year veteran of the program, her story is just one example of the extraordinary young adults we work with in these programs.
Support for our youth programs is part of a much larger picture that ensures Baxter State Park remains forever wild. Whether it’s keeping the MYWLP free for participants or helping us support the economic stability of the Katahdin region, our donors impact these youths and their families today and help preserve the wild nature of the Park forever.
For over a decade, our successful youth programs have provided critical support to the Park today while developing the Park's stewardship for tomorrow. Forever is a long time, and we want to help the Park in perpetuity. The Baxter Forever Fund allows our members to follow Percival Baxter's footsteps and leave a lasting legacy. A decade or a century from now, your gift will still provide vital support to the Park and its visitors. Supporting these youth programs is the first step.