Percy's Patience - The Story of Governor Baxter and Baxter State Park


A wonderful children’s book that pays special tribute to Governor Percival Baxter. Young Percy Baxter dreamed of a better world and exhibited great perseverance throughout his life. Baxter State Park was his great gift to the people of Maine and is a result of his determination and patience. Children ages 6-12 can enjoy this wonderful biographyphy of Percival Baxter’s life and work. Uniquly formated, each page is footnoted so you can read the narrative for its own sake, or slow down to absorb “fun facts.” The book includes a timeline, maps, portraits, and references that will intrigue readers of all ages. Written by Barbara DeVito Bourgoine, a retired literacy teacher from Readfield, Maine with a long history of visiting Baxter State Park. llustratrated by Jemelie Deering Bessette.

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